It's the Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga workout. It kills me.
In my young, smokin' hot days I was a bendy person, like Gumby. Now, at 43, not so much. I'm trying to change that though. If I have any hope of conquering that chin-up bar this year, I need to get my muscles and flexibility back. Right now, when I hang from the chin-up bar I feel like I'm on a torture rack and someone is ripping my arms from their sockets. It makes me want to cry.
I don't like crying. I'm an ugly crier.
So, I've been doing this Yoga workout, alternating with cardio, for the last eight weeks or so, and I'm feeling a lot stronger. And a little bendier.
And I can pin Peanut Head down when I command him to drop to the floor, put one arm behind his back and use only his pinky finger to fight me off. Yeah, I really can't pin him ever. He's not ticklish and he has the advantage of leverage. And some extra muscles. Plus he's a cheater.
That's all beside the point though. I'm trying to tell you about this workout and how much I love it.
First, I have to confess, I used to think Yoga was a [air quotes please] "workout" for pansies, but that's because I had never tried it. And I had no idea what I was talking about. I tend to put my foot in my mouth from time to time. Okay, a lot.
Yoga is hard. Yoga is reeeeeeel hard. I used to think I had to do high intensity, sweatfest cardio to get a good workout. I don't think that anymore. Try holding plank pose for a minute or more, and you'll be begging to stop. You'll be shaking, your face will be turning red, and you'll have scary veins popping out of your forehead that you never knew you had. Go ahead, try it. I dare you.
Unless of course you're a Yoga expert, then forget it. You, with Gumby, are my hero. I want to be like you.
Anyway, my point if ever I should get there, is that I love this Yoga DVD workout. It has three levels, which is really nice if you're a beginner like me, and you can customize your workout so you are doing only the sections you want to do. Here is how the workout is broken up:
Warm-Up (5 minutes) - Gentle Yoga stretches
Yoga Level 1 (20 minutes) - Essential Yoga poses
Yoga Level 2 (15 minutes) - Poses that sculpt and define muscle
Yoga Level 3 (10 minutes) - Flowing Poses that challenge your strength and stamina
Cool-Down (5 minutes)
You can do the whole thing or just pick and choose each time what you want to do. I love this flexibility with workout DVDs. Some days I have less time and can only get 20 minutes in, so this flexibility is what I need.
The other thing I love is the trainer, Bob Harper. He's so Zen. I'm about as Zen as a Chihuahua, so I need this workout. Bob is always calm (well except for once this season on The Biggest Loser and it was awesome) and his voice is so soothing. Well at least I think it's soothing. Peanut Head disagrees with me on this point. He can't stand Bob's voice. But then Peanut Head can handle the Wii Fit trainers, so there's no reconciling that. I also think Bob is way cute.
I really want you to give this Yoga workout a try, so I'm going to give one away. I went out and bought one just so I could have this little contest and tell you all about it, so here's what I want you to do.
Leave me a comment telling me about your experience (or lack of) with Yoga and what you think of it. I will randomly pick one person to send this DVD to. Please make sure you have contact information in your comment if you don't have a blog or an e-mail attached to a Google account. The contest will end at midnight, Pacific Time, on Friday. Good luck!
Oh, and if you don't win and you want to just buy this DVD for yourself, here's a link for you:
:)... Yea, yoga is quite a workout and I really love it. I have a beginner DVD of yoga from The Firm and when I finally get my lazy butt active I really enjoy it. My daughter has one of the Biggest Losers DVDs and they are great! I hope I win. :D
ReplyDeleteOh man. The only experience I have with Yoga is *wanting* to try it, purchasing 2 gift-like yoga books --one with a CD that just melts me and flipping through the pages saying, I think I can do that.
ReplyDeleteOoh, Ooh, Ooh!! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!!
"I'm about as Zen as a Chihuahua..."
Omigosh that is too funny! I laughed so hard!!
I absolutely love the Biggest Loser and Bob Harper. Jillian is pretty awesome too, but I think if she yelled at me I'd have a hard time not punching her in the nose... Yoga is EXTREMELY difficult. I was laid off in January and thought that I would use that time to try those morning workout shows. You know the ones where everyone is already smokin' hot... yeah, I tried for like 10 minutes and realized I could not bend that way! Let alone lift my leg off the floor while lying on my stomach. These women were insane with their abilities. Kudos to you for sticking with it!
ReplyDeleteOoh, Ooh, Pick Me, Pick Me! I have been talking about starting Yoga for forever now. This will absolutely be the kick-in-the-butt that I need to do it! Ya know, sometimes ya just need the boot! :)
ReplyDeleteYoga. All I know is TRYING to do it on the Wii fit has made me realize I'm SOOOOO out of shape! It is easier to just sit on the couch and watch my kids try.
ReplyDeleteI have always wanted to try yoga! I just never knew where to start. And I confess, I too thought yoga was for slackers. But, it seems to have more benefits than just a workout and I'd love to give it a shot. So...... PICK ME PICK ME! My two daughters ages 7 and 9 pretend to meditate and do yoga all the time, I wanna join in too! lol
ReplyDeleteI went to a yoga class with a friend several years ago. It was amazing to me how much I was sweating...I would love to be able to do yoga in the privacy of my own home. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteMy only yoga experience has been with Wii Fit, not very exciting. I would love to win the DVD!!
ReplyDeleteSince the 1st of the year I have been on a weight loss journey. So far, I have lost 16lbs. Yeah!!! I have been walking on my treadmill and was just thinking last night that I wanted to pick up a video to spice things up a bit. I love watching the biggest loser and cant wait until I am my own biggest loser.
ReplyDeleteI have done Yoga a time or two before but nothing on regular basis.
What a great giveaway.
Yoga, well my only real experience is the Wii Fit and I can tell you that when I do that, you'd never know I used to take ballet. I'd love to have another option where I don't have to stop after each movement.
ReplyDeleteYou are so funny Jill! And amazing... not only do we get the BEST recipes from you, but now you are holding contests with awesome prizes!! Too fun!
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on the yoga. I have always thought it is for pansies and old people (I'm not implying that you are old in any way!!). Then I tried some on my Wii Fit. I've nearly cried. It was a sad thing, me in the jack-knife position yelling at my trainer to let me put my legs down. Horrible thing. But maybe with Bob I'll have better luck. I love him too! He's a favorite. And I thought it was the funniest thing when he TOTALLY went OFF on Joelle this year. Best moment in TV! Anyway... I'd love to win and get myself to bendy. I've never been bendy! And it would be great to have the stress releasing benefits of Yoga. Thanks Jill!! :D
I agree that Bob is too cute! I would love to try a Yoga workout and think the biggest loser dvd would be great for me....I can do it at home even with the kids, but then how zen would it be? ;0)
ReplyDeleteI have never tried yoga. But I think you should pick me because seriously? The laughs that I will generate in TRYING yoga would be well worth it!
ReplyDeleteOh, the laughs we could share, neighbor.....send it to me, and I'll try it out for sure. You are too funny, and I'd love to win your giveaway.....I NEED so badly to get back to the gym and back in shape.....you've been a big encouragement!
I like Bob. I don't like Jillian. She always looks so snotty to me. If they ever have a Canadian version of The Biggest Loser, well SIGN ME UP BUDDY! I haven't tried yoga, mostly because I injured my knee several years ago and haven't been very flexible with it, at least, that's my excuse. lol ;)
ReplyDeleteOkay I am scared to even enter this contest...cause if I win I would feel OBLIGATED to learn how to turn myself into a pretzel and I am a bit scared of that idea. But, it also looks fun and new and interesting. So count me in!!!
ReplyDeleteI love Bob too and think he's good looking as well! i also loved when he lost it on Joelle! Yoga is definitely harder than it looks! I am open to trying yoga!
I would love to try it! Count me in:-)
ReplyDeleteI went to yoga when the baby (who is now 10) was 2 months old. During the end of it I woke myself up SNORING... yeah and my husband said that he walked by and could hear someone snoring.. that would be ME but I blame it on lack of sleep with a newborn :)
You are Hilarious.. you want to know the funny thing is i went to a yoga class yesterday at the "Y" and Had had to keep my eyes closed so I wouldn't laugh if the teacher told me one more time "you may have Joy" I was going to pop here in the face, Who talks like that only snooty yoga instructors who keep telling you about the journey your body is on.. And let me tell you about this journey the lady behind me tooted while doing the whole cat / cow move not so zen but heck you may have joy.. Love you Jill
ReplyDeleteanother good one is denise austins power yoga and pilates. I never make it to the pilates part. She also has a good fat blaster yoga which is a bit of cardio in it. I need to brush the dust off and get going thanks for the example. Ive never gone eight weeks doing a program. yo go girl!!!
ReplyDeleteso...I thought this post was going to be about gumbu, so I almost skipped it, but I'm glad I didn't!!
ReplyDeleteI was interested in comment about the Wiifit trainers...we've been trying to be consistent with Wiifit, and I wondered how your experience has been with it. Do tell!
I have done yoga a bit. I did some classes at the Y which weren't so bad, and the Wiifit isn't too hard either because yyou really only have to do one thing and then go back to balance games or hula hooping :) For awhile I was doing Namaste (We don't get it anymore with our new cable providwer), but it was really good and REALLY hard once they got into the "flowing" stuff...
Anyhow, all that to say - thanks for the tip on the new cd...I'll have to check the library adn see if they have it!
i'm with you! i can't yoga- i went to one class and never went back! it is hard! being able to do it in the comfinement of my won home might make me give it another try though. yay for you for doing it!!
ReplyDeleteI have the same attitude towards yoga that you had, "that can't be a real workout!" Bob is my favorite, love the outbursts this season!
ReplyDeleteI have had zero experience with yoga. I've always been curious though. Madonna swears by it and she has a rock hard body. But she also has a personal trainer... So if I won this contest, maybe I'd be able to show off my rock hard body after so many sessions of this yoga DVD. Thanks for doing this 8-)Your blog rocks!
ReplyDeleteDialogDog used to be all about yoga. I once went to a class with him taught by a guy/sadomasochist with a pony tail who was wearing the equivalent of an adult diaper. Ever since then, I've sworn off yoga. However, I've been doing it here and then on the Wii Fit. Just the other day, I noticed the Wii Fit trainer has a pony tail. If he should start wearing a diaper, I'm so done with yoga again...
ReplyDeletehey auntie!
ReplyDeletei havent used the digital scrapbooking yet no. Im just so darnbusy that i havent done it yet. My number is (951)837-6190... i dont think i gave that to you yet. i work tonight and a double tomorrow at work. I started online classes and theyre going really well!I now sometime ill have time to start digital scrapbooking but for the time being my life is too busy, i have schoolwork to do, im sure you know how that is, you were in college for many years. = )
Love Bob Harper and Biggest Loser-so motivating:) I need to try yoga and I have his other biggest loser DVD's so hopefully I will win this giveaway:) Thanks:)
ReplyDeleteOoo...haven't seen that video yet. Will have to check it out for sure. I will say Yoga is HARD! I seriously need to get my rear in gear and start making time for a workout a few times a week. Must.do.this! Thanks for sharing the info on the video!
ReplyDeleteOh! And I forgot to tell you how much I am loving the new banner. ;)
ReplyDeleteHa, Ha, I had a very similar and HUMBLING experiece with yoga. I wrote about it on my personal blog http://kentuckygrubbs.blogspot.com/2007/10/i-went-to-yoga-class.html
ReplyDeleteI totally want this video! Not because I like pain but because I know yoga works! So pick me. :)
p.s. I love your new spring header. So cute.
I used to do yoga but gave it up a few years ago. Why, I don't know, because IT WORKS. Would love Bob's DVD.
ReplyDeleteThe only experience I've had with Yoga is by doing the Wii Fit. I have just about broken my neck while trying to do the tree.
ReplyDeleteThanks for a great giveaway!